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  • Achievements

    APEPDCL Latest Achievements

    Reliable 24x7 power supply to all the consumers in APEPDCL is provided by arranging additional networks & strengthen the existing networks in urban areas under IPDS(Integrated Power Development Scheme) and in rural areas under DDUGJY (Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyothi Yojana) scheme and 100% of these works completed.

    Under APDRP(Andhra Pradesh Disaster Recovery Program) in Visakhapatnam city, 23 No's 33/11KV substations over headline networks are being converted into an Underground cable system for that 720 crores amount sanctioned by the world bank. Works under progress.

    R-DAS(Real Time Data Acquisition ) IT module brought for real time monitoring of the supply position.

    By using R-DAS and Outage Management System reports the interruptions targets fixed and reduced interruptions YoY basis.

    SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system works for 28 No's 33/11KV substations in Visakhapatnam have completed.

    To maintain reliable power supply and better services to consumers, 15 No's Assistant Executive Engineers, and as per the AP Government instructions under the Village and ward Secretariat system 2416 No's Junior Line Man Grade -2 were newly recruited.

    As a Part of the Navaratnalu program under Raithu Barossa 9 Hours 3 phase Agriculture supply during day time is being extended for all 11KV feeders in 3 districts i.e Srikakulam, Vizianagaram ,Visakhapatnam and also most of the 11KV feeders in East Godavari and West Godavari Districts. For 273No's, 11KV feeders in East Godavari and West Godavari districts are required additional network, for that, works under progress and will be completed by 31.05.2020.

    7.5 Lakhs SC/ST Consumers availing free power up to 200 units per month.

    In Power For All Scheme, 100% village House Hold Electrification Achieved.

    6676 No's, Agriculture services were released in the year 2019.

    As a part of Energy Efficiency programme, 24330 No's 5STAR Rated Distribution Transformers erected and in the part of Green Efficiency 40 No's Electric vehicles are utilising in APEPDCL by entered the dry lease agreement with EESL.

    To render better services to customers, new IVRS (Interactive Voice Record System) introduced in 1912 centralised customer centre w.e.f 01.05.2019.

    SAP ERP application upgraded from EHP 4 of ERP 6.0 on oracle data base to the latest release of SAP Business Suite for HANA(SoH) EHP 8 of ERP 6.0.

    APEPDCL bags first place in '20th National Awards for Excellence in Energy Management, 2019' by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for its achievements under Energy Conservation and Management Activities.

  • 2018 - Achievements

    APEPDCL Achievements in 2018

    With the help of World Bank funds, to provide reliable 24X7 power supply, formulation and submission of detailed project report proposals for an amount of Rs. 1032 Crores are in progress.

    In the process of arresting pilferage of energy, so far 23,676 cases were booked and an amount of Rs. 42.59 Crores assessed out of which Rs. 22.76 crores were collected.

    So far, 32.48 Laksh old meters were replaced with new IRDA Meters and 83.53 % readings were taken through IRDA meters.

    Apart from that, in the coastal area of Visakhapatnam covering 23 sub-stations, the existing electrical line infrastructure is to be replaced with underground cable system at a cost of Rs. 720 Crores is targeted for completion by 2018.

    As per the directions of AP Govt, 931 new energy efficient pump sets were installed as a pilot program in Rajanagaram. A target of 2.13 Lakhs pump sets are to be installed in the coming 3 years of period.

    To provide consumer friendly environment, new connection registration facility was extended through mee-seva centres.

    To redress the consumer grievances, every Monday through ?Grievances redressal? the issues of consumers were taken up. Apart from that through 1912 customer complaints were resolved to the satisfaction of the consumers.

    As part of village electrification, 100 % electrification of village households is achieved by providing electricity to 1, 88,836 village households.

    Additional Infrastructure added to the system are as follows

    New 33/11 KV substations 2 New 33 KV Feeders 11
    New 11 KV Feeders 141 New LT Line 438 KM
    New 11 KV Line 687 KM New 33 KV Line 42 KM
    New Distribution Transformers 7129 New Service Connections 1.14 Lakhs

    As part of IT initiatives, the services were extended through mee-seva centers

    Eased the process of new service connection Paperless office was set up with help of e-office.
    Implemented e-stores Mobile app was introduced to pay the electricity bills
    To increase the revenue collections, daily D-list was introduced. Apna-csc project was implemented in all 5 districts.
    Consumers were enabled to know the power supply position by means of AP Vidyut pravah app.

    APEPDCL has bagged the following awards.

    Utility achieving fastest Rural Electrification in last decade ? awarded by IPPAI Quality of service ? awarded by Indian Chamber of commerce.
    National Energy Conservation ? awarded by Bureau of Energy Efficiency Increase in solar pump sets - awarded by MNRE
  • 2017 - Achievements

    APEPDCL Achievements in 2017

    Under DDG Scheme, an amount of Rs. 44.48 Crores were sanctioned by Govt. of India to provide electricity to 171 tribal hamlets in the districts of Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam. So far 158 hamlets were electrified and 3,373 houses were given solar power electric connection.

    Under ST sub-plan, an amount of Rs. 8.67 Crores were released for the electrification of tribal hamlets. So far, 119 tribal hamlets were electrified and 1801 households were provided with electricity.

    As part of IPDS scheme, to develop the town infrastructure in 5 districts of 29 towns, Govt. of India have sanctioned the scheme at Rs. 300.01 Crores. Under this scheme, so far, Rs. 41.02 Crores were released. Actions were taken up to construct 34 new sub-stations. So far, 2 new sub-stations were constructed.

    In order to strengthen the infrastructure, Govt. of India have sanctioned works were awarded to contractors to erect 80 substations at a cost of Rs. 170 Crores and to replace the old lines at a cost of Rs.4.24 Crores in the villages adopted by Hon?ble members of parliament.

    As part of R-APDRP Part-B, to strengthen the infrastructure an amount of Rs. 61.82 Crores were sanctioned and all the works were completed.

    To implement SCADA in Visakhapatnam town for 28 sub-stations an amount of Rs. 34.58 Crores were sanctioned and works are in progress.

    With the help of World Bank funds, to provide reliable 24X7 power supply, formulation and submission of detailed project report proposals for an amount of Rs. 1032 Crores are in progress. Apart from that, in the coastal area of Visakhapatnam covering 23 sub-stations, the existing electrical line infrastructure is to be replaced with underground cable system at a cost of Rs. 720 Crores is targeted for completion by 2018.

    AP Govt. is encouraging the installation of solar powered motors. In this program, with the help of Govt. of India , so far 6000 pump sets of rating 3 HP and 5 HP were allotted. So far 3333 were released. Remaining pump sets are targeted to release by the end of this year.

  • 2016 - Achievements

    APEPDCL Achievements in 2016

    In 2016-17 EPDCL have achieved 4.18% which is new record in the progress of APEPDCL.

    In 2016-17, it is decided to build 48 offices for ERO, sub-division offices and section offices at an expenditure of 27.87 Crores. So far 25 offices were built and 23 offices are under construction.

    DELP ( DSM based efficient Lighting programme) - In this programme it is decided to distribute two LED bulbs to 39.60 Lakh consumers in all 5 districts of DISCOM totalling to 79.20 Lakh LED bulbs distribution. So far, 75.40 Lakh LED bulbs were distributed. With this programme, it is estimated that 74 units per LED bulb will be saved/conserved. So far 690.57 million units were conserved thereby Rs. 257 Crores were saved. Apart from that, it is decided to provide 11, 55,900 LED bulbs to distribute to 5, 77,950 SC & ST consumers. So far, 2, 46,971 LED bulbs were distributed.

    DEFP ( Domestic efficient fan programme) - As a pilot programme, it is decided to distribute two numbers 5-star rated DEFP fans by replacing old fans in Narsapuram and its surrounding areas in west Godavari district. It is decided to collect in Rs. 52 per fan in 24 instalments through the electricity bills. So far 41,061 fans were distributed. It is decided to distribute 12 Lakhs fans in phase-2.

    Central govt has given a target to APEPDCL to setup solar roof top to generate 84 MW. So far 5.95 MW achieved through 343 connections. In APEPDCL, 21.4 MW solar power plants were synchronized and 49.75 MW solar power plant works are in progress.

  • 2015 - Achievements

    APEPDCL Achievements in 2015

    Transmission and Distribution Losses were 5.48 % in the year 2015-16 which is the lowest.

    With the help of World Bank funds, to provide reliable 24X7 power supply, formulation and submission of detailed project report proposals for an amount of Rs. 1032 Crores are in progress.

    OMS Outage Management System was introduced to know and to regulate the power supply interruptions in 3169 feeders. The status of power supply is intimated to the concerned officer through an SMS to take quick necessary action. With this system, SAIDI/SAIFI values can be measured.

    Centralized payments: In this system the bills of contractors can be released in time.

    HT Billing dates were modified from 22nd to 1st of the month to ease the energy audit.

    For HT Consumers, kaizala group was created to know the requirements and grievances of consumers.