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A key element in the reform process is that the Government shall withdraw from its earlier role as a regulator of the industry and shall limit its role to one of policy formulation and providing policy directions.

In order to provide a legal framework for the reform initiatives, the Government introduced the A.P. Electricity reform bill in the assembly and the same was passed on 28th April 1998. The A.P. Electricity reform act 1998, became effective from 1st February 1999. As envisaged in the act, the vertically integrated monolithic APSEB has been unbundled in to two separate companies, namely Transmission Corporation of A.P. Limited (AP TRANSCO) and Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) and have become operational from 1st February 1999.

The Eastern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited (APEPDCL) has been formed as a successor entity of the erstwhile APSEB through the second statutory transfer scheme, which was notified in the official gazette of the Government of Andhra Pradesh on March 31,2000 (the second transfer scheme) to, inter-alia, separate the then existing Transmission and Bulk Supply undertaking and business of AP Transco from the then existing Distribution and Retail Supply undertaking and business of AP Transco.

Board of Directors:

APEPDCL is a Government Company i.e. wholly owned by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The Board of Directors of APEPDCL as on date comprises of Six Directors including Two Government Representative Directors and Two Nominee Directors each from M/s REC Limited and M/s Power Finance Corporation Limited, who were nominated by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details are as follows:

S.No Name Designation DIN
1 Sri I.Prudhvitej, IAS Chairman & Managing Director 09388333
2 Sri D. Ronald Rose, IAS Director 08930580
3 Sri Dandagala Chandram, IRAS Director (Finance & HRD) 08963107
4 Sri B.A.V.P.Kumara Reddy Director 08521458
5 Sri J.K.Nayak Nominee Director 06940432
6 Sri Rajesh Kumar Shahi Nominee Director 02215027
Share Capital:

The Authorized Share Capital of the Company as on 31.03.2024 is Rs. 122,00,00,000 divided into 12,20,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each and the Issued and Paid Up Share Capital is Rs. 121,22,53,290/- divided into 12,12,25,329 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each and entire Share Capital is held by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.