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Consumer Rights-->Complaint Handling Procedures



1. This "Complaint Handling Procedure relating to Distribution and Retail Supply" (Complaint Handling Procedure, for short) is adopted by the Central/Northern/Sourthern/Eastern Power Distribution Company of A.P. Limited in pursuance of condition 20.2 of the Distribution and Retail Supply Licence of Central/Northern/Sourthern/Eastern Power Distribution Company of A.P. Limited read with APERC Regulations 6& 7 relating to Standard of Performance and Consumer's Right to Information respectively.

2. Nature of Complaints:

The consumer Complaints are categorised under seven heads as below:

  • 1. Interruption / failure of power supply
  • 2. Voltage Complaints
  • 3. Load shedding / Scheduled outages
  • 4. Problems in metering
  • 5. Billing problems
  • 6. Disconnection and reconnection of power supply
  • 7. Delay in providing new connection.

3. Time limit for rectification and resumption of service.

A summary of time limits for rendering service to consumers in LT/HT categories is as follows:

S.No. Type of service Time limit for rendering the service
1 Interruption / Failure of Power supply
a. Fuse off Calls:
  • (i) Replacement of fuses Cities & Towns - 4 working hours Rural Areas - 12 working hours
  • (ii) Line Breakdowns Cities & Towns - 6 hours Rural Areas - 24 hours

b. Street Lights:
  • Rectification of line fault - 24 hours
  • Replacement of fused or - 7 days
  • defective units

c. Replacement of failed Distribution Trs.
  • In cities and in towns - 24 hours
  • In Rural areas - 48 hours
d. Replacement of damaged service wire
  • (i) In case of damage to 7 days from the date of service wire due to payment of cost of Consumer's fault service wire by the Consumer.
  • (ii) In case of damage to 7 days,from the service wire on account of date of receipt normal wear and tear of complaint. (service wire to be supplied by the Licensee free of cost).
2 Voltage Complaints 10 days in case of local problems and 120 days in cases requiring augmentation of distribution system.
3 Scheduled outages excluding statutory power cuts Such interruptions will be informed 24 hours in advance through Press, Public Address System, Electronic Media and /or telephone to the public. The period of interruption shall not exceed 12 hours on any day and in each event the supply is to be normally restored by 6.00 PM.
4 Metering problems

Inspection and checking the correctness of the meter within 7 working days of complaint. Replacement of defective meter shall be:

  • (a) Stuck up/defective meters - within 30 days of receiving complaint.
  • (b) Burnt meters - (i) within 7 days of complaint if the burning is not due to causes attributable to consumer. (ii) Wherever the cost of meter is to be recovered from the consumer, notice for payment to be given within 7 days of complaint, and meter to be replaced within 7 days of receiving payment and after necessary corrective action was taken to avoid recurrence of the damages to the meter.
  • (c) If meter is found tampered during inspection, appropriate action will be taken as provided under law.
  • (d) If delay is anticipated in replacement of defective/burnt meters due to non-availability of meters with the Licensee, the Consumer may procure meters of one or the other 'makes' approved by the Licensee and also produce the purchase bill to the Section Officer of Licensee. The Consumer may also hand over the meter procured by him to the Section Officer, who will acknowledge the receipt of meter and arrange for Testing, calibration and sealing of meter by MRT wing immediately and also arrange to replace defective/burnt meter by such privately owned and tested meter within 7 days from the date of handing over of the meter by the respective consumer.
5 Billing Problems including category change. (1.) The licensee shall acknowledge the consumer's complaint immediately if received in person and within 7 working days if the complaint is received by post.
(2) The licensee shall resolve consumer's complaint regarding Electricity Bills due to him or served to him, immediately if no additional information is required to be collected. In case any additional information is required to be collected, it shall be resolved
  • (a.) Within 7 days if the complaint is made within 7 days of receipt of bill by the consumer, and
  • (b.)Within 15 days in other cases.
    In case the complaint of the consumer is genuine and revision of bill already issued became necessary, the due date for payment of bill should be reckoned from the date of revised bill for purpose of calculating additional charges for belated payment or for disconnection of supply.
(3) A meter reading card / pass book shall be maintained by the licensee at consumers' premises in appropriate form and all periodical readings taken for billing purposes, all check readings and meter changes should be recorded on the meter card / pass book duly attested by a person authorised to do so by the licensee.
6 Disconnection and Re-connection of power supply (a.) After serving 7 days' notice in cases where there is a neglect to pay any charge for energy or otherwise, in all other cases, as stipulated in APERC Regulations No. 7 on 'Consumer's Right to Information'. In this regard, whenever the authorised representative of the Licensee visits a consumer's premises to carry out disconnection, he should have in his possession the proof of serving 7 day notice on the consumer as required in APERC Regulation No.7 on Consumer's Right to Information. Such proof should be shown to the Consumer or his/her representative before effecting the disconnection. Incase the Licensee's representative is not able to show the proof of serving the 7 day notice, a further time of 24 hours must be allowed to facilitate the consumer to effect payment.
(b.) Immediate disconnection in the following cases:
  • (i.) Tampering with the meter or metering equipment.
  • (ii.) pilferage energy through bypassing the meter or direct tapping from the line.
  • (iii.) Unauthorised reconnection of the disconnected service
  • (iv.) Illegal use of the supply afforded. Reconnection shall be made within 2 working hours in urban areas and 24 working hours in rural areas of producing the reconnection order issued by ERO / SAO to the Section Officer/ ADE. Complaints on improper disconnection and delayed reconnection must be immediately resolved.
7 New Connections including release of Addl. Connected loads.
  • (i) LT Supply:
    • a. Sending notice of inspection - within 2 days of receipt of application complete in all respects.
    • b. Inspection - within 3 days of sending the notice.
    • c. Communication of estimated charges indicating the probable date of release of connection - within 10 days of fixing the point of entry of supply mains etc if the connection is proposed to be given from existing network and within 30 days if extension is required or if enhancement of distribution transformer capacity is needed.
    • d. Commencement of supply -
      (1) within 15 days of approval of applicant's installation and payment of necessary charges if the connection is from existing network and
      (2) within 30 days if line extension is involved or if enhancement of distribution transformer is needed.
  • (ii) HT Supply
    • a. Feasibility - within 15 working days of receipt of application
    • b. Estimate charges indicating the probable date of release of connection - within 30 working days of notifying the feasibility
    • c. Commencement of supply - within 120 days of payment of estimated charges and Electrical Inspector's clearance
  • (iii) EHT Supply
    • a. Feasibility - within 60 working days of receipt of application
    • b. Estimate charges indicating the probable date of release of connection - within 30 working days of notifying the feasibility
    • c. Commencement of supply - within 180 days of payment of estimated charges and Electrical Inspector's clearance Strict seniority should be followed by the Licensee in release of services after approval of applicants' installation by the competent authority and payment of necessary charges by the prospective consumer.

4. Complaint Handling Procedure

1. Interruption/failure of power supply:

In case of failure or interruption of power supply, complaint shall be lodged in the Fuse Off Call Centre of the area or any centralised complaint centre of the Licensee giving the details of name, address, consumer number and brief description of the complaint. The complaint can be lodged either in writing or over telephone. The operator on duty at the FOC Centre is required to register the complaint and intimate a complaint number in every case and restore power supply within the time period indicated in Section 3 (1) above.

In the event of non-response or inadequate response by the Fuse off Call Centre / centralised complaint centre, a consumer may lodge complaint with the Section Officer in charge of the area. The complaint to the Section Officer should be made either in writing or by telephone. Section Officer should register the complaint and intimate the complaint No. in every case. The Section Officer should ensure rectification of the fault within the time stipulated above. In case of major failure involving transformers or 11 kV feeder including the terminal equipment or both, it should also be rectified within the period specified. In case the complaint is not rectified within the stipulated period, a complaint can be made to the Assistant Divisional Engineer (ADE) of the area in the format at Annexure-I. The ADE shall acknowledge the complaint and take immediate action to restore the supply the same day. In case the complaint is not resolved within a day by the ADE, the consumer can complain to the officer of next higher level i.e., the Divisional Engineer/Operation (DE/O) (head of electricity supply division) who shall not only arrange for immediate restoration but also investigate into the delays caused in attending to the complaint. The procedure for lodging complaints is indicated in Table - A below.

Table - A

S.No(1) Category of Consumers(2) Where to lodge complaint (3) Next higher level for complaint(4)
1 For all LT consumers a. Fuse off calls (b) Line breakdowns/ transformer failure, etc. Fuse off call centre / Centralised complaint centre Section Officer Section Officer Assistant Divisional Engineer/ Divisional Engineer
2 HT consumers (all complaints) Section Officer Assistant Divisional Engineer/ Divisional Engineer

(2). Voltage Complaints

In the case of Low / High voltage of power supply, the complaint should be lodged in the Fuse Off Call Centre or any centralized complaint centre giving name, address, consumer number of the complainants along with brief description of the problem faced. The complaint can be lodged either in writing or over telephone. The operator on duty shall intimate the complaint number after registering the complaint in every case. In the event of non-response or inadequate response by the Fuse Off Call Centre or any centralised complaint centre within 4 hours of lodging the complaint, the consumer may lodge complaint with the ADE of the area for the redressal of the grievance. The Complaint should be lodged with the ADE in writing in the format furnished at Annexure-I. The receipt of the complaint shall be acknowledged by the ADE who shall resolve the complaint within a minimum period of 10 days of receipt of complaint in case of low voltage due to local problem and 120 days due to deficiency in the system requiring upgradation of distribution lines, transformers or installation of capacitors. In case the problem relates to upgradation of the system, the ADE shall give a written response within 10 days of receipt of complaint. In case the problem is not solved within the above time limits, the DE/O is to be contacted who will do the needful without any delay.

(3). Scheduled outages/load sheddings: In case of frequent load sheddings or scheduled outages (excluding statutory power cuts), amounting to more than 12 hours on any day complaint could be lodged by the consumer in the format given at Annexure-I with the Divisional Engineer of the concerned area. The Divisional Engineer shall acknowledge the receipt of such complaint and arrange to prevent such recurrences.

(4). Metering Problems If the meter is found to be defective, the consumer shall lodge the complaint with the Section Officer in the format given at Annexure - II, who will get it replaced within the time limit specified under Section 3 (4) above. Where the meter is found OK and does not require replacement and if the consumer is not satisfied with the decision of the Section Officer, he may seek for special test in the Licensee's Laboratory duly paying the testing charges. Excess or short amount if any will be adjusted in future bills, if the error is found to be beyond allowed limits. In case of burnt meters also the same will be replaced within the time limit specified in para 3(4) above. In case the problem is not resolved within the time specified, the complaint may be lodged by the consumer with the ADE concerned in the format given at Annexure - III. The ADE shall acknowledge the complaint and take remedial action without any delay.

(5). Billing problems: including change of category : Complaint in respect of non-receipt of energy bills/ receipt of erroneous bills shall be lodged by the consumer or by his authorised representative in writing, in duplicate, in the proforma at Annexure-II with the officer concerned of the area, as indicated in column 3 of Table - B below who shall resolve the minor problems across the table. In all other cases requiring rectification of records, checking the meter, etc., it will be resolved within the time periods indicated in Section 3 above failing which the consumer can make a complaint to the officer mentioned in column 4 of Table - B below in the prescribed form at Annexure-III. Receipt of the complaint shall be acknowledged in all cases.

Table - B

S.No(1) Category of Consumers(2) Where to lodge complaint (3) Next higher level for complaint(4)
1 All LT consumers Assistant Accounts Officer/ ERO Divisional Engineer
2 HT consumers Discrepancies in bills Senior Accounts Officer/ Operation circle Superintending Engineer

(6). Disconnection and reconnection of power supply:

Complaint in respect of improper disconnection and delay in reconnection of power supply should be lodged with the officer mentioned in column 3 of the Table-C given below. The complaint may be made by the consumer or his authorised representative in the format given at Annexure-III. Receipt of the complaint shall be acknowledged and the complaint shall be resolved immediately if the consumer is not at fault. Otherwise a suitable reply to the complainant shall be given within 2 days. The consumer may contact the next higher level officer mentioned under column (4), if the complaint is not resolved as mentioned above.

Table - C
S.No(1) Category of Consumers(2) Where to lodge complaint (3) Next higher level for complaint(4)
1 All LT services Asst. Divisional Engineer Divisional Engineer
2 All HT services Divisional Engineer Superintending Engineer

(7). New Connections/shifting or change of installation:

Registration - Application forms are available free of charge

  • - All LT applications other than Industrial to be registered in Section Office (Section Officer)
  • - LT applications for industrial supply to be registered with DE/O
  • - HT applications with CMD less than 5000 kVA with SE/Operation.
  • - HT applications with CMD of 5000 kVA and above with CE/Commercial.

Registering the applications will be done on payment of registration fee as prescribed from time to time. For shifting or change of installation also the time frame will be same as is applicable to corresponding category of new connection.

When the applicant doesn't get proper response within the time limit as stipulated in Section 3 (7) above, he may lodge a complaint to the official mentioned at column 3 of Table - D below. If he doesn't get adequate response from the said officer within seven working days, he may contact the next higher officer mentioned at column 4 of the Table. Complaint should be lodged in writing in the proforma at Annexure - IV.

Table - D
S.No(1) Type of new connections(2) Where to lodge complaint (3) Next higher level for complaint(4)
1 For all LT connections other than industrial. Asst. Divisional Engineer (Operation) D.E.
2 LT industrial connections. Divisional Engineer (Operation). S.E.
3 For HT connections with a contract demand of less than 5000 kVA Superintending Engineer (Operations) CE/ Commercial
4 For HT connections with a contract demand of 5000 kVA and above Chief Engineer (Comml.) MD of DISCOM

5. Complaint / Appeal before Licensee's Highest Authority

When the applicant / consumer does not get proper response even after approaching the next higher level officer as indicated in column-4 of the Tables A/B/C/D or if he is not satisfied with the action taken by them, the consumer may lodge a complaint/appeal to the MDs of DISCOMs. The Highest Authority of the Licensee should dispose off the complaint / appeal made by the consumer to him within 15 days from the date of receipt of complaint/appeal

6. Statement indicating summery of the Complaint Handling Procedure is appended as Annexure - VII.

7. Review and Monitoring

In order to ensure implementation of the above stipulations, the following monitoring procedure shall be adopted by the Licensee.

* The "Consumer Grievance Register" shall be maintained by the above designated officers in the prescribed proforma vide Annexure - V.

* The Register shall be reviewed by every Divisional Engineer (O) once in a fortnight. He will also send monthly progress reports to Superintending Engineer (Operations) and CE/ RAC in the prescribed format vide Annexure - VI.

* The Register shall be reviewed by every Inspecting Officer during inspections.

* Monday shall be strictly observed as Grievances Day.

*There shall be a separate Grievance Monitoring Cell at SE's office under DE/Tech. and keep a record for follow up.

* The time limit prescribed for attending to each type of grievance shall be strictly adhered to as indicated earlier.Wherever any complaint refers to more than one type of grievance, the designated officer shall attend the complaint pertaining to him and also send a copy of the complaint to the other concerned officer for redressal.

* Where the complaints referred to are not redressed in time by the designated office, the same shall be reported to the Divisional Engineer (Operation) clearly explaining the reasons for the hold up. Where redressal of a complaint could not be done, the Divisional Engineer (Operation) shall report such cases to S.E. (Operation) and CE/ RAC every fortnight.

8. The Licensees shall make available the following codes and Regulations etc. (both in Telugu and English) at its offices for perusal of any Consumer:

a. its codes of Practice (Application for supply, Conditions of Supply and procedures, Consumer Rights statement, code of practice on payment of bills and Complaint Handling Procedures)

b. its approved standards of Performance

c. its approved Tariff Schedule and

d. the Regulations made by APERC on Consumer's Right to Information.

e. Category-wise priority lists of New Connections shall be exhibited in the Section Offices.